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About Us

Digital solutions is a leading provider of power backup & power protection systems in the region. Based in Mumbai, we have clients in Delhi, Gujrat, Since 2015, we have supplied over 500-1000 power backup and power protection systems, in sizes equipment from 250VA to 300KVA. We have the expertise to take down a client's basic requirements, & convert this into a system that meets or exceeds these requirements. We are authorised dealers for most of the equipment that we supply. We have a passion for excellence, & we assure you of efficiently services at all times.

One purchases a power backup system or a power protection system as security against electrical power disturbances. Choosing the right equipment & equipment supplier can make all the difference between the success or failure of the protection system.

When you have critical equipment that you wish to protect against inconvenience, loss, or damage due to mains power disturbances, you cannot depend soley on the unreliable mains power. In the event of a mains power disturbance, you could get inconvenienced (eg lights or TV going off), or you could lose unsaved computer data, or your equipment could get damaged. It could also be life threatening (e.g. an aircraft landing at night & suddenly the runway lights &contol& communication equipment go off, or the lights & equipment go off during a critical operation in a hospital theatre)


A voltage protection device is a device that monitors the mains voltage being supplied to your equipment, so as to ensure that it remains within safe limits. If the mains voltage goes beyond set safe limits, the protection device will either adjust the voltage to your equipment to an acceptable level (in the case of a voltage stabiliser or an Automatic Voltage Regulator), or it could simply disconnect the mains voltage from your equipment (in the case of an Automatic Voltage Switcher).


The basic function of a UPS/Inverter based power backup system is to provide instantaneous mains-level power to your equipment when the mains fails. There are different types of UPSs & inverters, depending on your needs.